- The “death of self-driving cars” has been greatly exaggerated https://arstechnica.com/cars/2023/06/the-death-of-self-driving-cars-is-greatly-exaggerated/ 22 comments futurology
- The “death of self-driving cars” has been greatly exaggerated https://arstechnica.com/cars/2023/06/the-death-of-self-driving-cars-is-greatly-exaggerated/ 27 comments technology
Linked pages
- Bloomberg - Are you a robot? https://www.bloomberg.com/news/features/2022-10-06/even-after-100-billion-self-driving-cars-are-going-nowhere 1050 comments
- Waypoint - The official Waymo blog: Introducing the 5th-generation Waymo Driver: Informed by experience, designed for scale, engineered to tackle more environments https://blog.waymo.com/2020/03/introducing-5th-generation-waymo-driver.html 155 comments
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- Uber abandons dreams of self-driving domination, sells self-driving unit | Ars Technica https://arstechnica.com/cars/2020/12/uber-sells-self-driving-project-to-startup-aurora/ 5 comments
- The Third Transportation Revolution | by John Zimmer | Medium https://medium.com/@johnzimmer/the-third-transportation-revolution-27860f05fa91 2 comments
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