- Are we on the verge of a self-improving AI explosion? | An AI that makes better AI could be "the last invention that man need ever make." https://arstechnica.com/ai/2024/10/the-quest-to-use-ai-to-build-better-ai/ 36 comments futurology
- Are we on the verge of a self-improving AI explosion? | An AI that makes better AI could be "the last invention that man need ever make." https://arstechnica.com/ai/2024/10/the-quest-to-use-ai-to-build-better-ai/ 56 comments artificial
- Are we on the verge of a self-improving AI explosion? | An AI that makes better AI could be "the last invention that man need ever make." https://arstechnica.com/ai/2024/10/the-quest-to-use-ai-to-build-better-ai/ 12 comments technology
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