- Pyramid of Giza is able to interact with external electromagnetic waves of the radio frequency range 200-600m (roughly the length of the pyramid base). Interactions include first multiple resonances and energy concentration. https://aip.scitation.org/doi/10.1063/1.5026556 7 comments science
Linking pages
- Ancient Alien Linguistics, The Pyramids, and Radio Antennas https://maximumeffort.substack.com/p/ancient-alien-linguistics-the-pyramids 8 comments
- Study Reveals The Great Pyramid of Giza Can Focus Electromagnetic Energy http://news.ifmo.ru/en/science/photonics/news/7731/ 1 comment
- Great Pyramid of Giza may be able to focus electromagnetic energy through its hidden chambers, physicists reveal | The Independent | The Independent https://www.independent.co.uk/news/science/great-pyramid-giza-egypt-electromagnetic-energy-radio-chambers-itmo-university-a8471386.html 0 comments