- Trump’s response to an atrocity in Syria: blame Obama http://www.vox.com/world/2017/4/5/15189820/trump-response-atrocity-syria-blame-obama 5 comments politics
Linking pages
- Paul Ryan 2013: Syrian strikes would look weak. Paul Ryan 2017: Assad must be held accountable. - Vox http://www.vox.com/policy-and-politics/2017/4/6/15215134/syrian-airstrikes-obama-trump-republicans 15 comments
- The Grim Logic Behind Syria’s Chemical Weapons Attack - The New York Times https://www.nytimes.com/2017/04/06/world/middleeast/syria-bashar-al-assad-russia-sarin-attack.html 9 comments
- The Pentagon just released video of the US attack on Syria - Vox http://www.vox.com/world/2017/4/6/15215348/trump-syria-airstrike-attack-video 5 comments
Linked pages
- Interview: Fallen crypto CEO Sam Bankman-Fried opens up about FTX, Alameda Research, and his regrets - Vox https://www.vox.com/future-perfect/23462333/sam-bankman-fried-ftx-cryptocurrency-effective-altruism-crypto-bahamas-philanthropy 1217 comments
- Rubio: It's no coincidence that Syria gas attack happened after 'concerning' Tillerson comments | CNN Politics http://www.cnn.com/2017/04/05/politics/kfile-rubio-tillerson-syria-attack/index.html 513 comments
- President Obama’s Interview With Jeffrey Goldberg on Syria and Foreign Policy - The Atlantic http://www.theatlantic.com/magazine/archive/2016/04/the-obama-doctrine/471525/ 159 comments
- Bashar al-Assad just gassed his own people, then bombed the clinic treating victims - Vox http://www.vox.com/world/2017/4/4/15177166/bashar-al-assad-syria-posion-gas-attack-idlib-chemical-weapons-khan-sheikhoun 54 comments
- The fall of Aleppo, explained in 4 minutes - Vox http://www.vox.com/world/2016/12/16/13974780/aleppo-explained-4-minutes 30 comments
- Donald Trump chose a dictator who’s used chemical weapons over his own running mate - Vox http://www.vox.com/world/2016/10/10/13224106/trump-second-debate-syria 29 comments
- U.S. priority on Syria no longer focused on 'getting Assad out': Haley | Reuters http://www.reuters.com/article/us-mideast-crisis-syria-usa-haley-iduskbn1712ql 11 comments
- Donald J. Trump on Twitter: "AGAIN, TO OUR VERY FOOLISH LEADER, DO NOT ATTACK SYRIA - IF YOU DO MANY VERY BAD THINGS WILL HAPPEN &ampampampampampampampampampampampampampampampampampampampampampampampampampampampampampampampampampampampamp; FROM THAT FIGHT THE U.S. GETS NOTHING!" / Twitter https://twitter.com/realDonaldTrump/status/375609403376144384?amp%3Bref_url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.cnn.com%2F2017%2F04%2F06%2Fpolitics%2Ftrump-tweet-syria-obama%2Findex.html&ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw 9 comments
- The Senate takes a historic vote to move forward on same-sex marriage protections - Vox https://www.vox.com/policy-and-politics/2022/11/16/23463070/senate-same-sex-marriage-vote 6 comments
- Elon Musk may step down as Twitter CEO sooner than later - Vox https://www.vox.com/recode/23440075/elon-musk-twitter-layoffs-check-mark-verification 0 comments
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