Hacker News
- Bitcoins worth $7.5 million in a lost hard-drive http://www.techspot.com/news/54855-man-searches-for-hard-drive-worth-75-million-in-uk-landfill.html 2 comments
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- British engineer who threw away a hard drive holding 7,500 Bitcoin has a new idea on how to recover it from a landfill | TechSpot https://www.techspot.com/news/95503-british-engineer-who-threw-away-hard-drive-holding.html 618 comments
- Man narrows landfill search for $771 million Bitcoin hard drive with "finely tuned" plan | TechSpot https://www.techspot.com/news/105839-man-narrows-landfill-search-771-million-bitcoin-hard.html 558 comments
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