- The Endless Trial of Trey Gowdy's Benghazi Committee: 20 months, $5 million, and one Michael Bay movie later, the GOP's Hillary slayer is still searching for answers http://www.rollingstone.com/politics/news/the-endless-trial-of-trey-gowdys-benghazi-committee-20160114 10 comments politics
Linking pages
- The GOP’s “Hillary slayer” will be in charge of investigating Trump in the House - Vox https://www.vox.com/policy-and-politics/2017/6/1/15685886/trey-gowdy-house-oversight?amp%3Butm_content=1496963220&%3Butm_medium=social&%3Butm_source=twitter 70 comments
- Rep. Trey Gowdy, a former FBI contender, keeps making Republican short lists https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/politics/2017/05/15/trey-gowdy-fbi-director-james-comey-firing/101713420/ 13 comments
- The GOP’s “Hillary slayer” will be in charge of investigating Trump in the House - Vox https://www.vox.com/policy-and-politics/2017/6/1/15685886/trey-gowdy-house-oversight 10 comments