- Congressional Republicans have a 22% Approval Raiting; Congressional Democrats have a 32% Approval Rating; Congress in total has an approval rating ranging from 11% to 21% with an average of 15.44444_% http://www.pollingreport.com/congjob.htm 7 comments politics
- Really? Paul Ryan? Is this a joke? Do you even care any more? http://www.pollingreport.com/CongJob.htm 7 comments politics
- How does congress still have 18% approval rating? http://www.pollingreport.com/congjob.htm 5 comments politics
Linking pages
- Vote for Gridlock http://www.reason.com/links/links061306.shtml 19 comments
- S.F. liberals to host new Gitmo on Alcatraz? | Salon.com http://www.salon.com/news/opinion/glenn_greenwald/2009/12/15/gitmo/index.html 9 comments
- If the Tea Party Were Liberal - LA Progressive http://www.laprogressive.com/?p=57141 3 comments