- FEMA director: 'We filtered out' San Juan mayor 'a long time ago' http://www.politico.com/story/2017/10/08/fema-san-juan-mayor-long-243575 283 comments politics
Linking pages
- Trump makes 69th trip to a golf course while San Juan's mayor pleads for clean drinking water https://shareblue.com/trump-makes-69th-trip-to-a-golf-course-while-san-juans-mayor-pleads-for-clean-drinking-water/ 320 comments
- GOP tries to silence San Juan mayor by hastily canceling hearing on Puerto Rico death count https://shareblue.com/gop-tries-to-silence-san-juan-mayor-by-hastily-canceling-hearing-on-puerto-rico-death-count/ 29 comments
- Trump's conduct toward Puerto Rico: A national disgrace | Salon.com https://www.salon.com/2017/10/13/trumps-conduct-toward-puerto-rico-a-national-disgrace/ 8 comments
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