- PixiJS - The HTML5 Creation Engine. Create beautiful digital content with the fastest, most flexible 2D WebGL renderer http://www.pixijs.com/ 17 comments javascript
- Pixi.js - 2D webGL renderer with canvas fallback http://www.pixijs.com/ 3 comments javascript
Linking pages
- Load Balancing https://samwho.dev/load-balancing/ 287 comments
- Announcing the Rapier physics engine | Dimforge https://www.dimforge.com/blog/2020/08/25/announcing-the-rapier-physics-engine/ 191 comments
- Development notes from xkcd's "Machine" https://chromakode.com/post/xkcd-machine/ 102 comments
- GitHub - diffusionstudio/core: The Video Creation Engine: Edit videos with code, featuring the fastest WebCodecs renderer for in-browser video processing. https://github.com/diffusionstudio/core 57 comments
- 🌐 Web Game Engines & Libraries | Web Game Dev https://www.webgamedev.com/engines-libraries/web-game-engines-libraries 35 comments
- GitHub - dexteryy/spellbook-of-modern-webdev: A Big Picture, Thesaurus, and Taxonomy of Modern JavaScript Web Development https://github.com/dexteryy/spellbook-of-modern-webdev 32 comments
- Olaf - Acoustic fingerprinting on the ESP32 and in the Browser - 0110.be https://0110.be/posts/Olaf_-_Acoustic_fingerprinting_on_the_ESP32_and_in_the_Browser 30 comments
- Native or Not? The Untapped Power of Web Apps | Viget https://viget.com/extend/native-or-not-the-untapped-power-of-web-apps 29 comments
- Making an RPG with React + Redux. A few months ago, I set out to create… | by Andrew Steinheiser | Medium https://medium.com/@andrewsteinheiser/making-an-rpg-with-react-redux-dcfffdb06797 25 comments
- GitHub - MichaelHoste/xmoto.js: HTML5 Port of XMoto (2D Canvas + Box2D) https://github.com/MichaelHoste/xmoto.js 22 comments
- From Zero to Game Designer: how to start building video games even if you don’t have any experience https://medium.freecodecamp.org/from-zero-to-game-designer-how-to-start-building-video-games-even-if-you-dont-have-any-experience-5e2f9f45f4bb 15 comments
- GitHub - ellisonleao/magictools: A list of Game Development resources to make magic happen. https://github.com/ellisonleao/magictools 15 comments
- GitHub - pixijs/pixijs: The HTML5 Creation Engine: Create beautiful digital content with the fastest, most flexible 2D WebGL renderer. https://github.com/GoodBoyDigital/pixi.js/ 12 comments
- GitHub - pixijs/pixijs: The HTML5 Creation Engine: Create beautiful digital content with the fastest, most flexible 2D WebGL renderer. https://github.com/pixijs/pixi.js/ 12 comments
- Javascript Renderers in All Shapes and Sizes | by Tom Lagier | Studio Lagier | Medium https://medium.com/@tomlagier/a-tale-of-javascript-performance-8c4036f479a8 10 comments
- GitHub - the-illarionov/the-superviral-word-game: A Vue word game based on the Yakut national sport "Mas-wrestling". Uses XState for state management, WebRTC for multiplayer and has custom WebGL engine https://github.com/the-illarionov/the-superviral-word-game 8 comments
- GitHub - pixijs/pixi-react: Write PIXI apps using React declarative style https://github.com/inlet/react-pixi 6 comments
- GitHub - Inateno/Dreamengine: A powerfull JS 2D Game Engine cross-compatible and easily extendable http://github.com/inateno/dreamengine 5 comments
- GitHub - moklick/frontend-stuff: 📝 A continuously expanded list of frameworks, libraries and tools I used/want to use for building things on the web. Mostly JavaScript. https://github.com/moklick/frontend-stuff 4 comments
- Quarantine Game Jam Day 7 - Alpha Zoo Blog https://www.alphazoollc.com/blog/quarantine-game-jam-day-7/ 4 comments
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