- Geithner Puts Issue of Debt Limit in Writing: "The Treasury will shortly begin undertaking extraordinary measures to avoid the limit...moving money from pocket to pocket to give the government...breathing room to pay all of its bills, from soldiers’ salaries to Social Security payments" http://www.nytimes.com/interactive/us/politics/debt-reckoning.html#sha=06aa74190 14 comments politics
- John Boehner said he is willing to raise the tax rate on those making over $1 million a year. http://www.nytimes.com/interactive/us/politics/debt-reckoning.html?hp#sha=ecc238173 3 comments politics
- President Obama flatly rejected a Republican fiscal proposal on Tuesday, saying he would not agree to any deal that did not include an increase in marginal tax rates on the wealthy http://www.nytimes.com/interactive/us/politics/debt-reckoning.html#sha=06aa74190 105 comments politics
Linking pages
- The Morning Plum: GOPers expect to cave on tax rates for rich - The Washington Post http://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/plum-line/wp/2012/12/04/the-morning-plum-gopers-expect-to-cave-on-tax-rates-for-rich/ 16 comments
- Americans Trust Obama on Economy http://www.thedailybeast.com/cheats/2012/12/08/americans-trust-obama-on-economy.html?amp%3Bcid=newsletter%3Bemail%3Bcheatsheet_morning&%3Butm_campaign=cheatsheet_morning&%3Butm_source=newsletter&%3Butm_term=cheat+sheet 6 comments
- Bruce Bartlett: A Conservative Case for the Welfare State - The New York Times http://economix.blogs.nytimes.com/2012/12/25/a-conservative-case-for-the-welfare-state/ 6 comments
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