- The Permanent Militarization of America: The fact that both President Obama and Mitt Romney are calling for increases to the defense budget is further proof that the military is the true "third rail" of American politics. http://www.nytimes.com/2012/11/05/opinion/the-permanent-militarization-of-america.html?pagewanted=all&_r=1& 4 comments politics
- The Permanent Militarization of America http://www.nytimes.com/2012/11/05/opinion/the-permanent-militarization-of-america.html?src=me&ref=general 4 comments politics
- "The Permanent Militarization of America" http://www.nytimes.com/2012/11/05/opinion/the-permanent-militarization-of-america.html?hp&pagewanted=all 4 comments politics
- The Permanent Militarization of America - A serviceman and scholar's take on how America has failed to heed President Eisenhower's warning of a military-industrial complex, and the consequences thereof. http://www.nytimes.com/2012/11/05/opinion/the-permanent-militarization-of-america.html?hp&_r=0 2 comments politics
Linking pages
- What It Takes to Be President of the American Police State: Anti-Big Money, Anti-War, Pro-Constitution, Freedom-Loving Candidates Need Not Apply | HuffPost Latest News http://www.huffingtonpost.com/john-w-whitehead/what-it-takes-to-be-presi_b_10108026.html 5 comments
- Men Who Kick Down Doors - TomDispatch.com http://www.tomdispatch.com/post/175663/tomgram%3A_ann_jones%2C_the_war_against_women/ 4 comments
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