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- Mars trip to use astronaut poo as radiation shield http://www.newscientist.com/article/dn23230-mars-trip-to-use-astronaut-poo-as-radiation-shield.html 30 comments
Linking pages
- Astronauts will use their feces as a radiation shield on 2018 mission to Mars - The Verge http://www.theverge.com/2013/3/1/4054664/astronauts-will-use-feces-as-a-radiation-shield-on-2018-mars-mission 60 comments
- Mars Mission May Use 'Poop Shield' to Block Cosmic Rays | PCMag http://www.pcmag.com/article2/0,2817,2416220,00.asp 1 comment
Linked pages
- Putting solar panels in grazing fields is good for sheep | New Scientist https://www.newscientist.com/article/2357545-putting-solar-panels-in-grazing-fields-is-good-for-sheep/ 633 comments
- inspirationmars.org http://inspirationmars.org/ 1 comment
- Entirely new type of ice made using extremely cold steel balls | New Scientist https://www.newscientist.com/article/2357007-entirely-new-type-of-ice-made-using-extremely-cold-steel-balls/ 1 comment
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