- Flash Player engineer on how Core Animation will greatly improve performance in Flash Player 10.1 on Mac OS X http://www.kaourantin.net/2010/02/core-animation.html 67 comments programming
Linking pages
- Flash Player: CPU Hog or Hot Tamale? It Depends. - Streaming Learning Center http://www.streaminglearningcenter.com/articles/flash-player-cpu-hog-or-hot-tamale-it-depends-.html 12 comments
- How Sir Tim Berners-Lee cut the Gordian Knot of HTML5 | Charles Arthur | The Guardian http://www.guardian.co.uk/technology/2010/feb/26/berners-lee-html5-adobe-argument 3 comments
- Adobe will accelerate Flash video using new Apple API | Ars Technica http://arstechnica.com/apple/news/2010/04/adobe-will-accelerate-flash-video-using-new-apple-api.ars 0 comments
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