Hacker News
- The IntelliJ guys have created a dedicated Ruby IDE. http://www.jetbrains.com/ruby/index.html 30 comments
- RubyMine 2019.2 has been released with support for Ruby 2.7 & Rails 6, improved YARD support, Shell Script plugin, and more https://www.jetbrains.com/ruby/ 25 comments ruby
- RubyMine is having a 50% personal license sale for winter http://www.jetbrains.com/ruby/ 16 comments ruby
- Dedicated Ruby IDE from the Makers of IntelliJ http://www.jetbrains.com/ruby/index.html 37 comments programming
Linking pages
- Which Programming Language Should I Learn First? http://carlcheo.com/startcoding 192 comments
- GitHub - rubocop/ruby-style-guide: A community-driven Ruby coding style guide https://github.com/bbatsov/ruby-style-guide#short-methods 151 comments
- Lessons Learned in Large Computations with Ruby - Kevin Menard's Weblog http://nirvdrum.com/2009/09/17/lessons-learned-in-large-computations-with-ruby.html 107 comments
- SciRuby http://sciruby.com/ 91 comments
- Paired Brackets http://www.yegor256.com/2014/10/23/paired-brackets-notation.html?2014-42= 39 comments
- GitHub - 0PandaDEV/awesome-windows: An awesome & curated list of tools and apps for Windows 10/11. https://github.com/0PandaDEV/awesome-windows 37 comments
- Vim Tutorial: Tips to Write Code Faster | Medium https://jacobcomer.medium.com/write-code-faster-in-vim-c564ff9b9f6c 30 comments
- GitHub - simplecov-ruby/simplecov: Code coverage for Ruby with a powerful configuration library and automatic merging of coverage across test suites https://github.com/colszowka/simplecov 30 comments
- GitHub - phmullins/awesome-macos: A curated list of awesome software for Apple's macOS. https://github.com/phmullins/awesome-macos 28 comments
- GitHub - mikeroyal/Windows-11-Guide: Windows 10/11 Guide. Including Windows Security tools, Encryption, Graphics, Gaming, Virtualization, Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL 2), Software Apps, and Resources. https://github.com/mikeroyal/Windows-11-Guide 24 comments
- GitHub - Awesome-Windows/Awesome: 🎉 An awesome & curated list of best applications and tools for Windows. https://github.com/Awesome-Windows/Awesome 19 comments
- IntelliJ Rust Changelog #121 https://intellij-rust.github.io/2020/04/27/changelog-121.html 13 comments
- GitHub - alistanis/ide_settings: Where I store settings for my IDEs. (Gogland, Rubymine) https://github.com/alistanis/ide_settings 12 comments
- Gitlab Project Import RCE Analysis (CVE-2022-2185) | STAR Labs https://starlabs.sg/blog/2022/07-gitlab-project-import-rce-analysis-cve-2022-2185/ 11 comments
- 5 Ways to Improve Your Developer Team’s Code Quality | by Stan Georgian | ITNEXT https://itnexts.com/5-ways-to-improve-your-developer-teams-code 11 comments
- Successful Freelancing With Ruby On Rails: Workflow, Techniques And Tools — Smashing Magazine http://www.smashingmagazine.com/2010/10/26/successful-freelancing-with-ruby-on-rails-workflow-techniques-and-tools/ 11 comments
- How many pieces of software does it take to run a tech start-up? | by Aidan Sliney | Soundwave Stories | Medium https://medium.com/soundwave-stories/how-many-pieces-of-software-does-it-take-to-run-a-start-up-db6a25b48510 11 comments
- GitHub - dreikanter/ruby-bookmarks: Ruby and Ruby on Rails bookmarks collection https://github.com/dreikanter/ruby-bookmarks 10 comments
- The State of Ruby 1.9 Support in IDEs http://www.infoq.com/news/2009/02/ide-support-ruby1.9 9 comments
- GitHub - yegor256/backtrace: Ruby gem to print exception backtrace nicely https://github.com/yegor256/backtrace 9 comments
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