- Strangely enough this attitude of "if I can't have it, neither should you" only extends to working class people who live next door. For some reason none of the jealousy and malice is reserved for the people who actually broke the budgets of the states and cities, i.e. the people who deserve it. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/garrett-johnson/slouching-towards-neofeud_b_568972.html? 3 comments reddit.com
- SLOUCHING TOWARDS NEOFEUDALISM: "The financial crisis that grips our nation's states and cities has a malicious source, and Governor Tim Pawlenty recently named that source: public school teachers." http://www.huffingtonpost.com/garrett-johnson/slouching-towards-neofeud_b_568972.html? 3 comments politics
Linked pages
- http://www.smirkingchimp.com/thread/21289 216 comments
- Poll Finds Tea Party Backers Wealthier and More Educated - The New York Times http://www.nytimes.com/2010/04/15/us/politics/15poll.html?amp%3Bpagewanted=all&hp= 91 comments
- Estate tax in the United States - Wikipedia http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/estate_tax_in_the_united_states#exemptions_and_tax_rates 22 comments
- HuffPost - Breaking News, U.S. and World News | HuffPost https://www.huffpost.com 10 comments
- Crab mentality - Wikipedia https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Crab_mentality 9 comments
- Kitco - Commentaries - Stewart Dougherty http://www.kitco.com/ind/dougherty/jan222010.html 7 comments
- Zerohedge http://www.zerohedge.com/article/guest-post-towards-21st-century-peasant-rising 4 comments
- Serfdom - Wikipedia http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/serfdom 3 comments
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