Hacker News
- GraalVM https://www.graalvm.org/ 102 comments
- GraalVM: Run Programs Faster Anywhere http://www.graalvm.org/ 207 comments
- What's your opinion Java devs, of GraalVM? https://www.graalvm.org/ 32 comments java
- High-performance polyglot VM http://www.graalvm.org/ 3 comments programming
Linking pages
- Java JIT vs Java AOT vs Go for small, short-lived processes. Mario Macias' handcrafted blog http://macias.info/entry/201912201300_graal_aot.md 297 comments
- The Modern Java Platform - 2021 Edition - James Ward https://jamesward.com/2021/03/16/the-modern-java-platform-2021-edition/ 274 comments
- 6 Years of Professional Clojure. TL;DR Clojure is a great programming… | by Erez Rabih | Nanit Engineering https://engineering.nanit.com/6-years-of-professional-clojure-2b61cb6c1983 268 comments
- Oracle announces polyglot virtual machine, GraalVM - SD Times https://sdtimes.com/java/oracle-announces-polyglot-virtual-machine-graalvm/ 221 comments
- Red Hat Mandrel Makes Java Native https://www.infoq.com/news/2020/07/mandrel-graalvm/ 193 comments
- GitHub - supertokens/supertokens-core: Open source alternative to Auth0 / Firebase Auth / AWS Cognito https://github.com/supertokens/supertokens-core 168 comments
- GitHub - AsamK/signal-cli: signal-cli provides an unofficial commandline and dbus interface for signalapp/libsignal-service-java https://github.com/asamk/signal-cli 150 comments
- Which Java Microservice Framework Should You Choose in 2020? | by Matthias Graf | Better Programming https://medium.com/better-programming/which-java-microservice-framework-should-you-choose-in-2020-4e306a478e58 105 comments
- How We Migrated Our Static Analyzer From Java to Rust | Datadog https://www.datadoghq.com/blog/engineering/how-we-migrated-our-static-analyzer-from-java-to-rust/ 85 comments
- Command-line apps with Clojure and GraalVM: 300x better start-up times https://www.astrecipes.net/blog/2018/07/20/cmd-line-apps-with-clojure-and-graalvm/ 81 comments
- Top 10 Things To Do With GraalVM | by Chris Seaton | graalvm | Medium https://medium.com/graalvm/graalvm-ten-things-12d9111f307d 81 comments
- Java 16 is out and you’re stuck with Java6 ? here is what you’re missing out | by kommradHomer | Medium https://kommradhomer.medium.com/java-16-is-out-and-youre-stuck-with-java6-here-is-what-you-re-missing-out-f3b61f81d167 79 comments
- Java on iOS, for real. - Gluon https://gluonhq.com/java-on-ios-for-real/ 78 comments
- Faster R with FastR. R is a programming language for… | by Štěpán Šindelář | graalvm | Medium https://medium.com/graalvm/faster-r-with-fastr-4b8db0e0dceb 78 comments
- Welcome to JAR Hell, Part 2 (Application Deployment Strategies) https://worace.works/2021/04/13/jar-hell-part-2-jvm-deployment-strategies/ 73 comments
- The Billion Row Challenge (1BRC) - Step-by-step from 71s to 1.7s https://questdb.io/blog/billion-row-challenge-step-by-step/ 72 comments
- Native Clojure with GraalVM – INNOQ https://www.innoq.com/en/blog/native-clojure-and-graalvm/ 71 comments
- GitHub - ryanberckmans/noric-bot: A bot written in Scala 3 to stress test text-based MMORPGs (MUDs). https://github.com/ryanberckmans/noric-bot 70 comments
- Announcing Spring Native Beta! https://spring.io/blog/2021/03/11/announcing-spring-native-beta 58 comments
- GitHub - abertschi/graalphp: An efficient PHP implementation built on GraalVM https://github.com/abertschi/graalphp 56 comments