Hacker News
- The Fallen of World War II – Data-driven documentary about war and peace (2015) http://www.fallen.io/ww2/ 3 comments
- The Fallen of World War II – An Interactive, Data-Driven Documentary http://www.fallen.io/ww2/ 40 comments
- Every memorial day, I watch this video on the casualties of WW2. http://www.fallen.io/ww2/ 5 comments army
- WWII total death tolls in a very informative infographic http://www.fallen.io/ww2/ 22 comments history
- The Fallen of World War II, a short (20 min) documentary on military and civilian losses. Really puts the Soviet war effort into scale. http://www.fallen.io/ww2/ 9 comments russia
- The Fallen of World War II - Data-driven documentary about war & peace http://www.fallen.io/ww2/ 5 comments europe
- The Fallen of WWII - Data-driven documentary about war and peace http://www.fallen.io/ww2/ 7 comments history
Linking pages
- As Russia expands into Ukraine, the U.S. shrinks from the world's stage https://news.yahoo.com/russia-expands-ukraine-u-shrinks-154015208.html 333 comments
- As Russia expands into Ukraine, the U.S. shrinks from the world's stage | The Week https://theweek.com/world/1010442/russias-moves-in-ukraine-show-an-unhealthy-lack-of-fear 13 comments
- GitHub - wbkd/awesome-interactive-journalism: A list of awesome interactive journalism projects. https://github.com/wbkd/awesome-interactive-journalism 10 comments
- Jaw-Dropping Visualization Will Give You New Respect For The Sheer Number Who Died In WWII | HuffPost The World Post http://m.huffpost.com/us/entry/7526390?ncid=fcbklnkushpmg00000063 9 comments
- Winners: Kantar Information is Beautiful Awards 2015 — Information is Beautiful http://www.informationisbeautiful.net/2015/information-is-beautiful-awards-winners-2015/ 2 comments
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