- Hardware design engineer here that visited the dark side and owned an FCC/CE test lab. Any questions about FCC, CE, routes to global certifications or design for compliance? AMA http://www.emcfastpass.com/cert-ebook 31 comments arduino
- If you have any questions about FCC certification or CE Mark, ask me anything. http://www.emcfastpass.com/cert-ebook 47 comments electronics
- #15 upvoted of all time in this sub - "Global Certifications for Makers and Hardware Startups" - Available Now! http://www.emcfastpass.com/cert-ebook 11 comments arduino
- Tell everyone what you're working on! The 3 top projects in this thread will get a free copy of the "Global Certifications for Makers and Hardware Startups" eBook! - no down voting, just upvotes for your favourites! http://www.emcfastpass.com/cert-ebook/ 21 comments raspberry_pi
- Tell everyone what you're working on! The 3 top projects in this thread will get a free copy of the "Global Certifications for Makers and Hardware Startups" eBook! http://www.emcfastpass.com/cert-ebook/ 90 comments arduino
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