- The Christian Science Monitor asks: "Can the Internet put Comedy Central’s Stephen Colbert on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial? The call for Mr. Colbert to decamp to the nation’s capitol began last week as a midnight rambling posted by user mrsammercer on Reddit.com" http://www.csmonitor.com/usa/election-2010/vox-news/2010/0907/restoring-truthiness-could-spoof-of-glenn-beck-rally-happen 12 comments politics
Linked pages
- Internet Petitions Stephen Colbert To Hold 'Restoring Truthiness' Rally At Lincoln Memorial | HuffPost Entertainment http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2010/09/03/restoring-truthiness-colbert-rally-beck_n_704578.html 257 comments
- Dream11 Prediction For Today's Match - KhelTalk http://www.colbertrally.com/index.html 16 comments
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