- Trump calls on NFL to suspend Raiders' Marshawn Lynch http://www.cnn.com/2017/11/20/politics/trump-twitter-marshawn-lynch/index.html 51 comments politics
- Trump wants Marshawn Lynch suspended http://www.cnn.com/2017/11/20/politics/trump-twitter-marshawn-lynch/index.html 19 comments nfl
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- Donald J. Trump on Twitter: "Now that the three basketball players are out of China and saved from years in jail, LaVar Ball, the father of LiAngelo, is unaccepting of what I did for his son and that shoplifting is no big deal. I should have left them in jail!" / Twitter https://twitter.com/realdonaldtrump/status/932303108146892801 108 comments
- President Donald Trump to LaVar Ball: 'I should have left them in jail!' | CNN Politics http://edition.cnn.com/2017/11/19/politics/trump-response-lavar-ball/index.html 22 comments
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