- Bernie: "Will I be taking on Donald Trump? Absolutely. Will I be discussing the differences of opinion Secretary Clinton and I have? Yes I will." http://edition.cnn.com/2016/05/09/politics/bernie-sanders-democratic-party/index.html 537 comments politics
- How Bernie Sanders has changed the Democratic Party http://www.cnn.com/2016/05/09/politics/bernie-sanders-democratic-party/index.html 29 comments politics
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- Bernie Sanders accuses Democratic National Committee of favoring Hillary Clinton | CNN Politics http://edition.cnn.com/2016/05/06/politics/bernie-sanders-letter-dnc-convention/index.html 181 comments
- Hillary Clinton Takes a Step to the Left on Health Care - The New York Times http://www.nytimes.com/2016/05/11/us/politics/hillary-clinton-health-care-public-option.html?amp%3B_r=0&%3Baction=click&%3Bclicksource=story-heading&%3Bmodule=first-column-region&%3Bpgtype=homepage&%3Bregion=top-news&%3Bwt.nav=top-news&hp= 61 comments
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