- SpaceX wants to launch 4,425 satellites into space to bring super-fast internet to the world http://www.cnbc.com/2016/11/17/spacex-wants-to-launch-4425-satellites-into-space-to-bring-super-fast-internet-to-the-world.html 13 comments worldnews
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- Why SpaceX wants to create a global internet network - CSMonitor.com http://www.csmonitor.com/technology/2016/1117/why-spacex-wants-to-create-a-global-internet-network 5 comments
- Top 10 Tech Trends Transforming Humanity | by Peter Diamandis | ABUNDANCE INSIGHTS | Medium https://medium.com/abundance-insights/top-10-tech-trends-transforming-humanity-1cbadc4e7f74#.qz8y2nx3f 0 comments
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