- Alcohol can cause irreversible genetic damage to the body’s reserve of stem cells, according to a study that helps explain the link between drinking and cancer. Using mice, researchers find evidence that alcohol causes cancer by scrambling the DNA in cells, eventually leading to deadly mutations. http://www.cancerresearchuk.org/about-us/cancer-news/press-release/2018-01-03-new-research-shows-how-alcohol-damages-dna-and-increases-cancer-risk 61 comments science
Linking pages
- There's Now "Very Strong Evidence" That Alcohol Can Directly Damage DNA : ScienceAlert http://www.sciencealert.com/alcohol-damages-dna-stem-cells-cancer-acetaldehyde 1479 comments
- Study reveals how alcohol permanently damages DNA and raises risk of cancer https://newatlas.com/alcohol-cancer-dna-damage-stem-cell/52813/ 17 comments
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