- Girls Make Higher Grades than Boys in All School Subjects: Despite the stereotype that boys do better in math and science, girls have made higher grades than boys throughout their school years for nearly a century, according to a new analysis published by the American Psychological Association. http://www.apa.org/news/press/releases/2014/04/girls-grades.aspx 1972 comments science
Linking pages
- Why Girls Tend to Get Better Grades Than Boys Do - The Atlantic http://www.theatlantic.com/education/archive/2014/09/why-girls-get-better-grades-than-boys-do/380318/?single_page=true 68 comments
- How Puberty Kills Girls' Confidence - The Atlantic https://www.theatlantic.com/family/archive/2018/09/puberty-girls-confidence/563804/?single_page=true 6 comments
- To fix the tech gender gap, fix computer science education | Washington Examiner https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/red-alert-politics/to-fix-the-tech-gender-gap-fix-computer-science-education 6 comments
- Studies Show Girls Get Better Grades - Unyte Integrated Listening http://www.integratedlistening.com/studies-show-girls-get-better-grades/ 3 comments
- How to be a man | Psyche Guides https://psyche.co/guides/how-to-be-a-man-who-has-inner-strength-and-emotional-resilience 0 comments