- The Future Of Programming: Changing Technology is Easy; Changing How People Think is Hard http://worrydream.com/ 3 comments programming
- Playbook: a tool for exploring functions http://worrydream.com/ 13 comments math
Linking pages
- Six programming paradigms that will change how you think about coding https://www.ybrikman.com/writing/2014/04/09/six-programming-paradigms-that-will/ 573 comments
- Using the iPad Pro as my development machine https://arslan.io/2019/01/07/using-the-ipad-pro-as-my-development-machine/ 241 comments
- Features of a dream programming language - DEV Community 👩💻👨💻 https://dev.to/redbar0n/features-of-a-dream-programming-language-cio 222 comments
- How I Made $220,033.50 Self-Publishing a Book About Ruby on Rails https://www.nateberkopec.com/blog/2017/03/10/how-i-made-self-publishing-about-ruby-on-rails.html 177 comments
- Developer Experience: Fundamentally harder than normal UX | Gabriel Pickard https://www.gabrielpickard.com/posts/developer-experience-fundamentally-harder-than-normal-ux/ 122 comments
- GitHub - marimo-team/marimo: A reactive notebook for Python — run reproducible experiments, execute as a script, deploy as an app, and version with git. https://github.com/marimo-team/marimo 116 comments
- The "Next Big Thing" is a Room | Phenomenal World https://phenomenalworld.org/metaresearch/the-next-big-thing-is-a-room 61 comments
- Hey Kids, Get Off My Lawn: The Once And Future Visual Programming Environment | TechCrunch http://techcrunch.com/2012/05/27/hey-kids-get-off-my-lawn-the-once-and-future-visual-programming-environment/?amp%3Butm_campaign=feed%3A+techcrunch+%28techcrunch%29&%3Butm_content=google+reader&%3Butm_medium=feed 58 comments
- Visualizing Code to Fail Faster http://www.codinghorror.com/blog/2012/03/visualizing-code-to-fail-faster.html 56 comments
- Laser Socks http://glench.com/LaserSocks/ 53 comments
- GitHub - xixixao/Shem: The compiler of the programming language Shem https://github.com/xixixao/Shem 53 comments
- Visual programming means anyone can be a coder | New Scientist http://www.newscientist.com/article/mg21528796.800-visual-programming-means-anyone-can-be-a-coder.html 48 comments
- Edward Tufte | Financial Times http://www.ft.com/intl/cms/s/2/dda1cb5c-f4c0-11e2-a62e-00144feabdc0.html#axzz2aBj9w7FJ 39 comments
- GitHub - ChrisKnott/Algojammer: An experimental code editor for writing algorithms https://github.com/ChrisKnott/Algojammer/blob/master/README.md 37 comments
- Getting the iPad to Pro â by Craig Mod https://craigmod.com/essays/ipad_pro/ 32 comments
- At Dynamicland, The Building Is The Computer — Carl Tashian https://tashian.com/articles/dynamicland/ 31 comments
- GitHub - laszlokorte/reform-swift: Swift implementation of the reform dynamic drawing application inspired by Bret Victor's talk "Drawing Dynamic Visualizations" https://github.com/laszlokorte/reform-swift 20 comments
- GitHub - nevyn/CoreDragon: [iOS/deprecated!] Stop using context menus. Drag and drop instead, even between apps! https://github.com/nevyn/coredragon 15 comments
- Must-See Tech Talks for Every Programmer https://www.ybrikman.com/writing/2014/05/29/must-see-tech-talks-for-every-programmer/ 13 comments
- Why Coders Are Going Nuts Over Apple's New Programming Language | WIRED http://www.wired.com/2014/06/apple-swift-language/ 13 comments
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