Hacker News
- The live Twitter of some guy playing with his Apple Tablet. Apparently it is the sickest thing ever to exist. And he is probably in trouble over his NDA. http://twitter.com/jason 6 comments reddit.com
Linking pages
- Free transportation for life | by jason | really big ideas we should try | Medium https://medium.com/we-live-in-the-future/32eeaacc207a 68 comments
- Apple's brilliant assault on advertising - and Google - Jason Calacanis http://calacanis.com/2015/09/24/apples-brilliant-assault-on-advertising-and-google/ 59 comments
- Microsoft is interesting again — very | by jason | Medium https://medium.com/@jason/microsoft-is-interesting-again-very-f9c5bef7116 41 comments
- The Genius Of Google Fiber - ReadWrite http://readwrite.com/2013/04/19/the-genius-of-google-fiber 27 comments
- You don't have what it takes - Jason Calacanis http://calacanis.com/2015/09/20/you-dont-have-what-it-takes/ 20 comments
- the Hammer Project - I don’t wanna be a “developer” anymore http://hammerproject.com/post/161855395594/i-dont-wanna-be-a-developer-anymore 18 comments
- Founders: Do not waste money on TechCrunch Disrupt's Startup Alley - Jason Calacanis http://calacanis.com/2016/03/24/founders-do-not-waste-money-on-techcrunch-disrupts-startup-alley/ 16 comments
- 18 Pictures That Show How Differently Famous People And Normal People Are Being Treated During The Coronavirus Outbreak https://www.buzzfeed.com/mjs538/famous-people-normal-people-tests 15 comments
- Confirmed: TechCrunch50 conference is no more | VentureBeat http://venturebeat.com/2010/05/11/techcrunch50-disrupted/ 10 comments
- I'm deleting my Facebook page today - Jason Calacanis http://calacanis.com/2010/05/21/im-deleting-my-facebook-page-today/ 8 comments
- Jason Calacanis Shreds Mike Arrington, Calls Him "a Trainwreck," "a Liability," and "a Sociopath" http://www.businessinsider.com/calacanis-arrington-techcrunch-aol-2010-9 6 comments
- The Controlled Deflation of the Bubble is Almost Complete - Jason Calacanis http://calacanis.com/2016/01/13/the-controlled-deflation-of-the-bubble-is-almost-complete/ 3 comments
- private email to my angel list syndicates | by jason | Medium https://medium.com/@jason/private-email-to-my-angel-list-syndicates-dffd624d8539 2 comments
- Starting today "civilians" can be angel investors - should they? - Jason Calacanis http://calacanis.com/2016/05/16/starting-today-civilians-can-be-angel-investors-should-they/ 1 comment
- Disgraceful Dashcam Video Proves Uber Is the Theranos of Self-Driving http://www.thedrive.com/opinion/19504/disgraceful-dashcam-video-proves-uber-is-the-theranos-of-self-driving 1 comment
- Google Buzz Reveals Tech's Twenty Most Media-Connected People http://blogs.forbes.com/velocity/2010/02/12/techs-twenty-most-media-connected-people/ 1 comment
- Why I'm not going to Web Summit - in Dublin, Lisbon or anywhere else - Tech.eu http://tech.eu/features/6203/no-web-summit-for-me/ 1 comment
- Stuff VCs Say http://www.buzzfeed.com/westleyargentum/stuff-vcs-say#.acwV66Zjw 1 comment
- Understanding the magnitude of Tesla's $11b+ triumph - Jason Calacanis http://calacanis.com/2016/04/04/understanding-the-magnitude-of-teslas-11b-triumph/ 1 comment
- Twelve Angry Robots, Or Moderation And Its Discontents - Adam Elkus https://aelkus.github.io/eris/2020/10/01/modx.html 1 comment