Hacker News
- Google, Red Hat Work on a Way for Kubernetes to Run Containers Without Docker http://thenewstack.io/oci-building-way-kubernetes-run-containers-without-docker/ 21 comments
- [deleted by user] http://thenewstack.io/oci-building-way-kubernetes-run-containers-without-docker/ 19 comments docker
- Red Hat and Google are creating a way for Kubernetes to run containers without Docker http://thenewstack.io/oci-building-way-kubernetes-run-containers-without-docker/ 5 comments programming
Linking pages
- "I just want to run a container!" http://jvns.ca/blog/2016/10/02/i-just-want-to-run-a-container/ 56 comments
- The differences between Docker, containerd, CRI-O and runc - Tutorial Works https://www.tutorialworks.com/difference-docker-containerd-runc-crio-oci/?_hsenc=p2ANqtz-9sG2sEhcUMQjT6TP2afLdek9j75SQpLmTYqiaty0XaVOl_Gr9r8yS5Fo1XgrSvvIgYpuBWcGIvQ62JC5fALOApvt_wiw&_hsmi=213803458 17 comments
- The differences between Docker, containerd, CRI-O and runc - Tutorial Works https://www.tutorialworks.com/difference-docker-containerd-runc-crio-oci/ 9 comments
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