Hacker News
- How do emulators work and how are they written? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/448673/how-do-emulators-work-and-how-are-they-written 27 comments
- How do emulators work and how are they written http://stackoverflow.com/questions/448673/how-do-emulators-work-and-how-are-they-written 110 comments programming
Linking pages
- GitHub - LakshyAAAgrawal/chip8emu: A Terminal Based Chip-8 Emulator https://github.com/lakshyaaagrawal/chip8emu 17 comments
- Closed as Not Constructive: The Top-Voted Discussions on Stack Overflow | Thomas Park http://thomaspark.co/2017/02/closed-as-not-constructive-the-top-voted-discussions-on-stack-overflow/ 0 comments
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