Hacker News
- Trying to pick a persistence framework for a new Play application I'm developing, need help. http://slick.typesafe.com/ 15 comments scala
Linking pages
- A quick tour of relational database access with Scala - Manuel Bernhardt http://manuel.bernhardt.io/2014/02/04/a-quick-tour-of-relational-database-access-with-scala/ 28 comments
- GitHub - smootoo/freeslick: Open source Slick drivers for commercial databases. Includes MS SQLServer, Oracle 11g and DB2. https://github.com/fommil/freeslick 19 comments
- Entry-level, synchronous & transactional event sourcing https://softwaremill.com/entry-level-event-sourcing/ 11 comments
- Building a REST API in Java and Scala Using Play Framework - Part 2 | Nordic APIs | http://nordicapis.com/building-rest-api-java-scala-using-play-framework-part-2/ 9 comments
- Typechecking SQL in Slick and doobie - Underscore http://underscore.io/blog/posts/2015/05/28/typechecking-sql.html 7 comments
- A Slicker Scala Stack: Q&A with Martin Odersky - DZone http://java.dzone.com/articles/slicker-scala-stack-qa-martin 7 comments
- GitHub - RMSone/slick-cats: Cats instances for Slick DBIO https://github.com/RMSone/slick-cats 7 comments
- GitHub - emchristiansen/PersistentMap: A type-safe, boilerplate-free, key-value store in Scala https://github.com/emchristiansen/persistentmap 6 comments
- GitHub - ikhoon/finatra-mysql-seed: finatra + mysql + quill or slick seed project https://github.com/ikhoon/finatra-mysql-seed 5 comments
- GitHub - garu/scala-for-perl5-programmers: Scala tutorial targeted at developers with Perl 5 experience https://github.com/garu/scala-for-perl5-programmers 4 comments
- Using shapeless HLists with Slick 3 - Underscore http://underscore.io/blog/posts/2015/08/08/slickless.html 3 comments
- GitHub - yareally/android-scala-intellij-no-sbt-plugin: Directions on how to create a Scala based project in Intellij IDEA without having to resort to additional plugins or external building that cripples the nice features of the IDE. https://github.com/yareally/android-scala-intellij-no-sbt-plugin 1 comment
- Using slickless with Plain SQL - Underscore http://underscore.io/blog/posts/2015/08/23/slick-getresults.html 0 comments
- Type Level Programming in Scala step by step - Introduction http://gigiigig.github.io/tlp-step-by-step/introduction.html 0 comments
- Comparing akka-stream and scalaz-stream with code examples https://softwaremill.com/comparing-akka-stream-scalaz-stream/ 0 comments
- Video: Reactive RESTful APIs with Akka HTTP and Slick https://tech.zalando.com/blog/video-reactive-restful-apis-with-akka-http-and-slick/ 0 comments
- PlayFramework.apply(2) = "Reading, Writing and Evolving" http://semisafe.com/coding/2015/06/12/play_basics_database_access.html 0 comments
- Upsert in Slick 3 - Underscore http://underscore.io/blog/posts/2015/07/14/upsert.html 0 comments
- A Journey into Reactive Streams. Rather than acting on data at rest… | by Kevin Webber | RedElastic https://medium.com/@kvnwbbr/a-journey-into-reactive-streams-5ee2a9cd7e29 0 comments
- On Scala, Functional Programming and Type-Classes - Alexandru Nedelcu https://alexn.org/blog/2012/11/02/scala-functional-programming-type-classes.html 0 comments