- Secret plan to destroy Obamacare: Rand Paul physically barred from viewing the legislation http://shareblue.com/secret-plan-to-destroy-obamacare-rand-paul-physically-barred-from-viewing-the-legislation/#.wlikpbllrso.twitter 14 comments politics
Linking pages
- "Heresy." Rev. Barber smacks down Jesus-quoting GOP Rep. who claims poor "don't want health care" http://shareblue.com/heresy-rev-barber-smacks-down-gop-rep-who-quotes-jesus-to-claim-poor-dont-want-health-care/ 33 comments
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- https://www.instagram.com/ 102 comments
- GOP congressman: Town hall protests are scaring party away from Obamacare repeal http://shareblue.com/gop-congressman-town-hall-protests-are-scaring-party-away-from-obamacare-repeal/ 6 comments
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