- An elegant, extendable code highlighter written in pure Ruby http://rouge.jneen.net/ 4 comments ruby
Linking pages
- Building a new GitLab Docs site with Nanoc, GitLab CI, and GitLab Pages | GitLab https://about.gitlab.com/2016/12/07/building-a-new-gitlab-docs-site-with-nanoc-gitlab-ci-and-gitlab-pages/ 5 comments
- GitHub - hmans/slodown: Markdown + oEmbed + Sanitize + CodeRay = the ultimate user input rendering pipeline! https://github.com/hmans/slodown 4 comments
- GitHub - rouge-ruby/rouge: A pure Ruby code highlighter that is compatible with Pygments https://github.com/jneen/rouge 1 comment
- GitHub - rouge-ruby/rouge: A pure Ruby code highlighter that is compatible with Pygments https://github.com/jayferd/rouge 0 comments
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