- beginner ghc questions http://repetae.net/computer/jhc/ 2 comments haskellquestions
- jhc is "a haskell compiler which aims to produce the most efficient programs possible via whole program analysis and other optimizations" http://repetae.net/computer/jhc/ 24 comments programming
Linking pages
- GitHub - dbohdan/compilers-targeting-c: A list of compilers that can generate C code https://github.com/dbohdan/compilers-targeting-c 36 comments
- GitHub - csabahruska/jhc-components: JHC Haskell compiler split into reusable components https://github.com/csabahruska/jhc-components 13 comments
- Empower Your Ruby With Haskell And Hubris http://www.infoq.com/news/2009/08/haskell-ruby-hubris 7 comments
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