Hacker News
- This year I mean it -- it's a bubble (2007) http://redeye.firstround.com/2007/10/this-year-i-mea.html 32 comments
- This year I mean it -- it's a bubble! http://redeye.firstround.com/2007/10/this-year-i-mea.html 3 comments
Linking pages
- The Watney Rule for Startups — and the Return to the ‘Old Normal’ | by First Round | Medium https://medium.com/@firstround/the-watney-rule-for-startups-and-the-return-to-the-old-normal-cba75583365e#.69k0ljjgc 6 comments
- The Broken Clock. This is the year the bubble bursts… | by M.G. Siegler | 500ish https://medium.com/five-hundred-words/the-broken-clock-f1643cb5606f 0 comments
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