Hacker News
- RESTful API Modeling Language https://raml.org/ 3 comments
- RAML – RESTful API modeling language http://raml.org/ 57 comments
- RAML - RESTful API modeling language http://raml.org/ 55 comments
- RESTful API Modeling Language (RAML) - The simplest way to design APIs https://raml.org/ 6 comments programming
- RAML : RESTful API Modeling Language : a simple and succinct way of describing practically-RESTful APIs http://raml.org 16 comments programming
Linking pages
- GitHub - dexteryy/spellbook-of-modern-webdev: A Big Picture, Thesaurus, and Taxonomy of Modern JavaScript Web Development https://github.com/dexteryy/spellbook-of-modern-webdev 32 comments
- Intro To RAML 1.0 - sap1ens blog http://sap1ens.com/blog/2016/12/26/intro-to-raml-1-dot-0/ 18 comments
- Documenting your API with OpenAPI (Swagger) and Redoc | by Karolis Rusenas | ITNEXT https://medium.com/@karolis.rusenas/417bd8304b72 8 comments
- 60+ Tools and Services for API and Webhook Logging, Debugging, Testing, Monitoring, Documentation and Discovery — John Sheehan http://john-sheehan.com/blog/ultimate-api-webhook-backend-service-debugging-testing-monitoring-and-discovery-tools-list 6 comments
- Crafting Effective Microservices in Python https://jobs.zalando.com/tech/blog/crafting-effective-microservices-in-python/ 4 comments
- Building A Modern, Scalable Backend: Modernizing Monolithic Applications | by Derrick Burns | Medium https://medium.com/@derrickburns/building-a-modern-scalable-backend-modernizing-monolithic-applications-15fc3b8101fa#.9e1p9lbhb 3 comments
- Intro to RAML - The RESTful API Modeling Language | Baeldung http://www.baeldung.com/raml-restful-api-modeling-language-tutorial 3 comments
- Code generation with Python and Go | by Michael van Tellingen | Lab Digital https://blog.labdigital.nl/code-generation-with-python-and-go-d1d91e09a06b 3 comments
- SDKs.io Search Engine Aids SDK Discoverability | ProgrammableWeb http://www.programmableweb.com/news/sdks.io-search-engine-aids-sdk-discoverability/2015/04/09 3 comments
- GitHub - JBAhire/awesome-api-security-essentials: Awesome API Security: A Curated Collection of Resources for Bulletproof API Protection! https://github.com/JBAhire/awesome-api-security-essentials 3 comments
- How Postman Uses JSON Schema | Postman Blog https://blog.postman.com/how-postman-uses-json-schema/ 1 comment
- Microservices in Practice: From Architecture to Deployment - DZone Microservices https://dzone.com/articles/microservices-in-practice-1?oid=hn 0 comments
- GitHub - yosriady/awesome-api-devtools: A collection of useful resources for building RESTful HTTP+JSON APIs. https://github.com/yosriady/api-development-tools 0 comments
- A Proposed Recipe for Designing, Building and Testing Microservices | API simulations for development and testing https://specto.io/blog/recipe-for-designing-building-testing-microservices.html 0 comments
- A logical way to test online software https://blog.apilog.net/posts/2021-04-19-a-logical-way-to-test-online-software.html 0 comments
- The last thing the API economy needs is copyright friction • TechCrunch https://techcrunch.com/2016/08/29/the-last-thing-the-api-economy-needs-is-copyright-friction/ 0 comments
- The HTTP API Space is Consolidating around OAS https://www.infoq.com/news/2017/05/api-raml-oas 0 comments
- WTF is ZappJS? — A Complete Walkthrough | by ZappJS | Medium https://medium.com/@zappjs/wtf-is-zappjs-a-complete-walkthrough-6ca903d3f3e8 0 comments
- GitHub - yosriady/awesome-api-devtools: A collection of useful resources for building RESTful HTTP+JSON APIs. https://github.com/Leventhan/api-development-tools 0 comments
- A Year with API Transformer - APIMatic https://blog.apimatic.io/a-year-with-api-transformer-c6f821b7bbf 0 comments