Hacker News
- Could someone help me? I just can't make sense of OpenGL... http://open.gl 17 comments opengl
- Installing SOIL help https://open.gl 6 comments opengl
- Trouble with open.gl tutorial https://open.gl 7 comments opengl
- Why is it necessary to suffix (some) floats with "f" http://open.gl 9 comments opengl
- I'm trying to draw a triangle using SDL and C++ but it's not showing up on the screen, could I have some help? http://www.open.gl 20 comments opengl
- Getting started with OpenGL development? http://www.open.gl 9 comments opengl
- How do I "put everything together"? http://open.gl 16 comments opengl
- OpenGL http://open.gl/ 4 comments opengl
Linking pages
- Cross-Platform Graphics in .NET Core | by Cameron Aavik | Medium https://medium.com/@cameronaavik/cross-platform-graphics-in-net-core-901be29dabd7#.hx5e67krd 86 comments
- Primer : Shaders http://notes.underscorediscovery.com/shaders-a-primer/ 48 comments
- Modern OpenGL resources round up – GameFromScratch.com http://www.gamefromscratch.com/post/2013/02/27/Modern-OpenGL-resources-round-up.aspx 47 comments
- GitHub - Polytonic/Glitter: Dead Simple OpenGL https://github.com/Polytonic/Glitter 32 comments
- GitHub - eug/awesome-opengl: A curated list of awesome OpenGL libraries, debuggers and resources. https://github.com/eug/awesome-opengl 19 comments
- Optimized cube - Paride Broggi https://www.paridebroggi.com/blogpost/2015/06/16/optimized-cube-opengl-triangle-strip/ 6 comments
- Beginning OpenGL Development on OS X - /dev/thoughts http://blog.hwrd.me/2014/05/07/beginning-opengl-development-on-os-x/ 5 comments
- free-programming-books/free-programming-books-subjects.md at main · EbookFoundation/free-programming-books · GitHub https://github.com/EbookFoundation/free-programming-books/blob/main/books/free-programming-books-subjects.md 3 comments
- GitHub - terkelg/awesome-creative-coding: Creative Coding: Generative Art, Data visualization, Interaction Design, Resources. https://github.com/terkelg/awesome-creative-coding 0 comments
- GitHub - quarbby/links-and-resources: :pencil2: A collection of textbooks, links and resources during our studying years in NUS SoC https://github.com/quarbby/links-and-resources 0 comments
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