Hacker News
- Deep-learning algorithm predicts photos’ memorability at “near-human” levels http://news.mit.edu/2015/csail-deep-learning-algorithm-predicts-photo-memorability-near-human-levels-1215 23 comments
- Researchers from MIT’s Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory have created an algorithm that can predict how memorable or forgettable an image is almost as accurately as humans — and they plan to turn it into an app that subtly tweaks photos to make them more memorable. http://news.mit.edu/2015/csail-deep-learning-algorithm-predicts-photo-memorability-near-human-levels-1215 17 comments technology
Linking pages
- Free Deep Learning Book (MIT Press) - DataScienceCentral.com http://www.datasciencecentral.com/profiles/blogs/free-deep-learning-book-mit-press 4 comments
- Scientists have uncovered exactly what makes a photo memorable - The Washington Post https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/innovations/wp/2015/12/29/forget-beautiful-sunrises-embrace-absurdity-heres-how-to-take-memorable-photos/ 0 comments
- The Geniuses at MIT Developed an Algorithm That Guarantees More Memorable Photos | by Mic | Mic https://medium.mic.com/the-geniuses-at-mit-developed-an-algorithm-that-guarantees-more-memorable-photos-b377616ff60e#.k9dxxtts1 0 comments