- Why DOJ didn't need a 'super search warrant' to snoop on Fox News' e-mail http://news.cnet.com/8301-13578_3-57586211-38/why-doj-didnt-need-a-super-search-warrant-to-snoop-on-fox-news-e-mail/ 4 comments technology
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- Electronic Frontier Foundation | Defending your rights in the digital world https://www.eff.org/ 85 comments
- a history of storage cost - matt komorowski http://www.mkomo.com/cost-per-gigabyte 67 comments
- A rare peek into a Justice Department leak probe - The Washington Post http://www.washingtonpost.com/local/a-rare-peek-into-a-justice-department-leak-probe/2013/05/19/0bc473de-be5e-11e2-97d4-a479289a31f9_story.html 12 comments
- - The Washington Post http://apps.washingtonpost.com/g/page/local/affidavit-for-search-warrant/162/ 4 comments
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