- NaCl's crypto_secretbox on AVR uC: protecting communication against replay attacks https://nacl.cr.yp.to/secretbox.html 7 comments crypto
- [C and C#] How can I XOR a message in 2 different datatypes & 2 different languages? http://nacl.cr.yp.to/secretbox.html 5 comments learnprogramming
Linking pages
- All the crypto code you’ve ever written is probably broken https://tonyarcieri.com/all-the-crypto-code-youve-ever-written-is-probably-broken 188 comments
- GitHub - ssoready/hyrumtoken: A Golang package to encrypt your pagination tokens https://github.com/ssoready/hyrumtoken 56 comments
- GitHub - RustCrypto/AEADs: Authenticated Encryption with Associated Data Algorithms: high-level encryption ciphers https://github.com/RustCrypto/AEADs 26 comments
- GitHub - nomasters/killcord: a censorship resistant deadman's switch https://github.com/nomasters/killcord 3 comments
- GitHub - bluenviron/mediamtx: Ready-to-use SRT / WebRTC / RTSP / RTMP / LL-HLS media server and media proxy that allows to read, publish, proxy, record and playback video and audio streams. http://github.com/bluenviron/mediamtx 1 comment
- GitHub - tonyg/js-nacl: Pure-Javascript High-level API to Emscripten-compiled libsodium routines. https://github.com/tonyg/js-nacl 0 comments
- GitHub - 3nsoft/ecma-nacl: JavaScript version of NaCl Cryptographic library https://github.com/3nsoft/ecma-nacl 0 comments
- Atuin's new encryption scheme | Atuin https://atuin.sh/blog/new-encryption 0 comments
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