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- The Great Migration from MongoDB to PostgreSQL https://infisical.com/blog/postgresql-migration-technical 434 comments
- Frameworks Round 2 - TechEmpower Blog http://www.techempower.com/blog/2013/04/05/frameworks-round-2/ 286 comments
- 10 weeks of node.js after 10 years of PHP | by Moritz Dausinger | Unexpected Token | Medium https://medium.com/unexpected-token/10-weeks-of-node-js-after-10-years-of-php-a352042c0c11/ 123 comments
- Create a character voting app using React, Node.js, MongoDB and Socket.IO http://sahatyalkabov.com/create-a-character-voting-app-using-react-nodejs-mongodb-and-socketio/ 88 comments
- GitHub - hagopj13/node-express-boilerplate: A boilerplate for building production-ready RESTful APIs using Node.js, Express, and Mongoose https://github.com/hagopj13/node-express-boilerplate 62 comments
- GitHub - SoftwareBrothers/adminjs: AdminJS is an admin panel for apps written in node.js https://github.com/SoftwareBrothers/admin-bro 39 comments
- Best 11 ORMs for Node.js, Query Builders & Database Libraries in 2022 https://dataguide.prisma.io/database-tools/top-nodejs-orms-query-builders-and-database-libraries-in-2020 35 comments
- GitHub - dexteryy/spellbook-of-modern-webdev: A Big Picture, Thesaurus, and Taxonomy of Modern JavaScript Web Development https://github.com/dexteryy/spellbook-of-modern-webdev 32 comments
- Authentication For Your React and Express Application w/ JSON Web Tokens | by Faizan Virani | Medium https://medium.com/@faizanv/authentication-for-your-react-and-express-application-w-json-web-tokens-923515826e0 29 comments
- GitHub - fzaninotto/uptime: A remote monitoring application using Node.js, MongoDB, and Twitter Bootstrap. https://github.com/fzaninotto/uptime 23 comments
- GitHub - devongovett/reader: An API Compatible Replacement for Google Reader https://github.com/devongovett/reader 17 comments
- Building a Simple CRUD app with Node, Express, and MongoDB | Zell Liew https://zellwk.com/blog/crud-express-mongodb 16 comments
- Introducing the TERN stack and how to migrate from MERN to TERN | Tigris https://www.tigrisdata.com/blog/tern-stack/ 16 comments
- GitHub - oslabs-beta/PreVue3.0: 🎨 All in One Prototyping Tool For Vue Developers. https://github.com/oslabs-beta/PreVue3.0 15 comments
- Is the _id Property in MongoDB 100% Unique? | by Umair Feroze | Better Programming https://medium.com/better-programming/is-the-id-property-in-mongodb-100-unique-f1eaa19522ba 13 comments
- GitHub - fmbenhassine/gamehub.io: Real-time multiplayer game server based on Node + Express + SocketIO + MongoDB + ElasticSearch https://github.com/benas/chesshub.io 13 comments
- Redesign: From PHP/MySQL to Node/MongoDB Stack http://josebrowne.com/open/php-mysql-to-node-mongo-single-page-app 13 comments
- GitHub - ylorenzana/node-express-api-auth: Boilerplate for API auth following secure standards. Includes user registration/login and authentication using bearer tokens and CSRF protection using CSRF-tokens. https://github.com/ylorenzana/node-express-api-auth 12 comments
- jammin/README.md at master · lucybot/jammin · GitHub https://github.com/lucybot/jammin/blob/master/README.md 11 comments
- How I built a real world project for the first time 🌈 - DEV Community 👩💻👨💻 https://dev.to/killianfrappartdev/how-i-built-a-real-world-project-for-the-first-time-5gn5 10 comments
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