- David Cameron protest stars piñata pig with his face on it: long with protest signs and noisemakers, the protesters toted effigies of the animal that has been infamously linked to Cameron — the pig, of PigGate fame. http://mashable.com/2016/04/09/protest-david-cameron-resign-pig/#ac5i2lwgdiql 6 comments worldnews
Linked pages
- David Cameron had stake in father's offshore fund - BBC News http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-politics-35992167 24 comments
- 'Resign Cameron' protests: Activists surround venue where Conservative Party is holding spring meeting | The Independent | The Independent http://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/politics/resign-cameron-protests-activists-surround-venue-where-conservative-party-is-holding-spring-meeting-a6976276.html 20 comments
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