Hacker News
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- Security Lessons Learned From The Diaspora Launch | Kalzumeus Software http://www.kalzumeus.com/2010/09/22/security-lessons-learned-from-the-diaspora-launch/ 363 comments
- Why Wasn't Ruby 3 Faster? - FastRuby.io | Rails Upgrade Service https://www.fastruby.io/blog/ruby/performance/why-wasnt-ruby-3-faster.html 276 comments
- How Homakov hacked GitHub and how to protect your application by Peter Nixey · GitHub https://gist.github.com/1978249 84 comments
- Rails Authentication From Scratch https://stevepolito.design/blog/rails-authentication-from-scratch/ 45 comments
- The Ruby on Rails Tutorial for Rails 4.0 (beta) | Learn Enough News & Blog http://news.railstutorial.org/ruby-on-rails-tutorial-rails-4-beta/ 44 comments
- GitHub - sameersbn/docker-gitlab: Dockerized GitLab https://github.com/sameersbn/docker-gitlab 28 comments
- 5 security issues in Ruby on Rails apps from real life - frontdeveloper.pl https://frontdeveloper.pl/2018/10/5-security-issues-in-ruby-on-rails/ 23 comments
- Top 10 errors from 1000+ Ruby on Rails projects (and how to avoid them) | Rollbar https://rollbar.com/blog/top-10-ruby-on-rails-errors/ 18 comments
- Rails CSRF protection for SPA https://blog.eq8.eu/article/rails-api-authentication-with-spa-csrf-tokens.html 15 comments
- GitHub - keygen-sh/keygen-api: Keygen is an open, source-available software licensing and distribution API built with Ruby on Rails. For developers, by developers. https://github.com/keygen-sh/keygen-api 15 comments
- GitHub - stevepolitodesign/rails-authentication-from-scratch: A step-by-step guide on how to build your own authentication system in Rails from scratch. https://github.com/stevepolitodesign/rails-authentication-from-scratch 14 comments
- GitHub - brunofacca/zen-rails-security-checklist: Checklist of security precautions for Ruby on Rails applications. https://github.com/brunofacca/zen-rails-security-checklist 12 comments
- GitHub - octehren/Glasses: Search gem for ruby web apps. https://github.com/otamm/glasses 11 comments
- GitHub - Shopify/erb-lint: Lint your ERB or HTML files https://github.com/Shopify/erb-lint 8 comments
- Bearer | The ultimate guide to securing data for Rails developers https://www.bearer.com/blog/ultimate-ruby-rails-data-security 6 comments
- Simple Session-Sharing in Tomcat Cluster Using the Session-in-Cookie Pattern Part 1: The Basics - Shine Solutions Group http://blog.shinetech.com/2012/12/18/simple-session-sharing-in-tomcat-cluster-using-the-session-in-cookie-pattern/ 6 comments
- Mass assignment security shouldn't happen in the model - Jon Leighton http://jonathanleighton.com/articles/2011/mass-assignment-security-shouldnt-happen-in-the-model/ 6 comments
- 4 Ways to Secure Your Authentication System in Rails | Cloudbees Blog https://blog.codeship.com/4-ways-to-secure-your-authentication-system-in-rails/ 5 comments
- GitHub - tbhb/solid_session: Database-backed session store for Rails https://github.com/tbhb/solid_session 5 comments
- Advanced Queries in ActiveRecord for Ruby on Rails | AppSignal Blog https://blog.appsignal.com/2025/02/26/advanced-queries-in-activerecord-for-ruby-on-rails.html 5 comments
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