- Ruby programmers reach their apotheosis of delusion. http://god.rubyforge.org/ 223 comments programming
Linking pages
- Building Highly Reliable Websites For Small Companies | Kalzumeus Software http://www.kalzumeus.com/2010/04/20/building-highly-reliable-websites-for-small-companies/ 23 comments
- GitHub - hjhart/movie_queue: A web server that manages and downloads movies for you using torrents https://github.com/hjhart/movie_queue 13 comments
- The Virtues of Monitoring | Mathias Meyer http://www.paperplanes.de/2011/1/5/the_virtues_of_monitoring.html 5 comments
- Ruby on Rails != Its Core Team | Luigi Montanez http://luigimontanez.com/2009/ruby-on-rails-its-core-team 5 comments
- 20 Ruby on Rails Tuts to Rule Them All http://net.tutsplus.com/tutorials/ruby/20-ruby-on-rails-tutorials-to-rule-them-all/ 3 comments
- Building a Twitter Filter With Sinatra, Redis, and TweetStream | DigitalHobbit http://www.digitalhobbit.com/2009/11/08/building-a-twitter-filter-with-sinatra-redis-and-tweetstream/ 2 comments
- Web Operations 101 For Developers | Mathias Meyer http://www.paperplanes.de/2011/7/25/web_operations_101_for_developers.html 1 comment
- Interview: Tom Preston-Werner on Powerset, GitHub, Ruby and Erlang http://www.infoq.com/news/2008/10/prestonwerner-erlang-powerset 1 comment
- Creating asynchronous web services with Goliath | LakTEK (Lakshan Perera) http://laktek.com/2011/08/24/creating-asynchronous-web-services-with-goliath/ 0 comments
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