Hacker News
- Gitter – Chat, for GitHub https://gitter.im/ 37 comments
- Gitter, chat for GitHub, is now public beta https://gitter.im 30 comments
- Show HN: Gitter – Chat for GitHub http://gitter.im 109 comments
- Why don't people use Gitter more often? https://gitter.im/ 8 comments learnprogramming
- gitter.im - Chatrooms connected to Github Repo's https://gitter.im/ 5 comments webdev
- Glitter.im homepage, posting for both utility and excellent web design https://gitter.im/ 7 comments web_design
- Gitter: JS powered, Github integrated chat for developers https://gitter.im/ 4 comments javascript
- Gitter: Chat for GitHub http://gitter.im/ 18 comments programming
Linking pages
- Forward Motion | blarg http://exple.tive.org/blarg/2019/09/06/forward-motion/ 473 comments
- GitLab acquires software chat startup Gitter, will open-source the code | VentureBeat http://venturebeat.com/2017/03/15/gitlab-acquires-software-chat-startup-gitter-will-open-source-the-code/ 357 comments
- Gitter + GitLab = win http://blog.gitter.im/2017/03/15/gitter-gitlab-acquisition/ 252 comments
- GitHub - cjbarber/ToolsOfTheTrade: Tools of The Trade, from Hacker News. https://github.com/cjbarber/ToolsOfTheTrade 202 comments
- Our Experience With Slack http://blog.freecodecamp.com/2015/06/so-yeah-we-tried-slack-and-we-deeply-regretted-it.html 186 comments
- Our Experience With Slack https://medium.freecodecamp.com/so-yeah-we-tried-slack-and-we-deeply-regretted-it-391bcc714c81#.jr3zva5v8 130 comments
- GitHub - ripienaar/free-for-dev: A list of SaaS, PaaS and IaaS offerings that have free tiers of interest to devops and infradev https://github.com/ripienaar/free-for-dev 81 comments
- GitHub - luong-komorebi/Awesome-Linux-Software: 🐧 A list of awesome Linux softwares https://github.com/LewisVo/Awesome-Linux-Software 75 comments
- GitHub - sorenisanerd/gotty: Share your terminal as a web application https://github.com/sorenisanerd/gotty 45 comments
- GitHub - engineering-management/awesome-engineering-management: Pointers and tools for learning and day-to-day practice of engineering management & leadership. https://github.com/ixaxaar/awesome-engineering-management 45 comments
- The Secret To Hiring Great Technical Talent: Being Active In Communities https://modernweb.com/hiring-tech-talent/ 32 comments
- GitHub - trekhleb/promote-your-next-startup: 🚀 Free resources you may use to promote your next startup https://github.com/trekhleb/promote-your-next-startup 29 comments
- GitHub - phmullins/awesome-macos: A curated list of awesome software for Apple's macOS. https://github.com/phmullins/awesome-macos 29 comments
- GitHub - mikependon/RepoDB: A hybrid ORM library for .NET. https://github.com/mikependon/RepoDB 23 comments
- 621+ Programming Resources. Origins from Jon Schoning, Sam Liao… | by whatwhatgoose | Free Stuff | Medium https://medium.com/free-stuff/2000-programming-resources-c2c835001216#.7afcewqn0 22 comments
- GitHub - mbasso/refraction: A guard that represents a central point of control in your application https://github.com/mbasso/refraction 18 comments
- A Brief History of the Command Line https://medium.freecodecamp.com/the-command-line-1fdbc692b3bf#.ead8a6gpk 14 comments
- GitHub - rxhanson/Rectangle: Move and resize windows on macOS with keyboard shortcuts and snap areas https://github.com/rxhanson/Rectangle 13 comments
- GitHub - aws/jsii: jsii allows code in any language to naturally interact with JavaScript classes. It is the technology that enables the AWS Cloud Development Kit to deliver polyglot libraries from a single codebase! https://github.com/aws/jsii 13 comments
- GitHub - luong-komorebi/Awesome-Linux-Software: 🐧 A list of awesome Linux softwares https://github.com/voluong/awesome-linux-software 13 comments
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