Hacker News
- A Slower Speed of Light (2012) http://gamelab.mit.edu/games/a-slower-speed-of-light/ 59 comments
- A Slower Speed of Light (2012) http://gamelab.mit.edu/games/a-slower-speed-of-light/ 15 comments
- A Slower Speed of Light http://gamelab.mit.edu/games/a-slower-speed-of-light/ 105 comments
- What would the world be like if the Planck Constant were large enough to experience "quantum weirdness" at a macroscopic scale? http://gamelab.mit.edu/games/a-slower-speed-of-light/ 10 comments askscience
- If light moves at the same speed in all inertial reference frames, why does it get red/blue-shifted when you get closer to light speed? http://gamelab.mit.edu/games/a-slower-speed-of-light 4 comments askscience
- "A Slower Speed of Light" special relativity game released for Linux http://gamelab.mit.edu/games/a-slower-speed-of-light/ 36 comments linux
- Assuming you could achieve a relativistic speed fast enough that the doppler effect shifts the wavelength of visible light into the infrared or ultraviolet spectrum, would you be able to see anything anymore, or would everything go dark? http://gamelab.mit.edu/games/a-slower-speed-of-light/ 7 comments askscience
- Small demo which allows you to experience what happens at speed of light. Trippy! http://gamelab.mit.edu/games/a-slower-speed-of-light/ 7 comments science
Linking pages
- GitHub - stared/science-based-games-list: Science-based games - a collaborative list https://github.com/stared/science-based-games-list 43 comments
- Science-based games and explorable explanations https://p.migdal.pl/blog/2024/05/science-games-explorable-explanations/ 13 comments
- Video game teaches relativity by slowing down the speed of light http://www.nbcnews.com/technology/futureoftech/video-game-teaches-relativity-slowing-down-speed-light-1c6803652 11 comments
- GitHub - ubavic/awesome-interactive-math: A curated list of tools that can be used for creating interactive mathematical explorables. https://github.com/ubavic/awesome-interactive-math 9 comments
- MIT's Game Lab Releases Experimental Simulator That Bends The Laws Of Relativity • TechCrunch http://techcrunch.com/2012/11/12/mits-media-lab-releases-experimental-game-that-bends-the-laws-of-relativity/ 1 comment
- How Physics Engines Work - Build New Games http://buildnewgames.com/gamephysics/ 0 comments
- OpenRelativity – MIT Game Lab http://gamelab.mit.edu/research/openrelativity/ 0 comments
- What would happen to the human body moving at near lightspeed? | Popular Science https://www.popsci.com/science/lightspeed-human-body/ 0 comments
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