Hacker News
- Why do people keep coming to this couple’s home looking for lost phones? http://fusion.net/story/214995/find-my-phone-apps-lead-to-wrong-home/ 255 comments
- Why Do People Keep Coming to This Couple's Home Looking for Lost Phones? http://fusion.net/story/214995/find-my-phone-apps-lead-to-wrong-home/ 4 comments networking
- Tech mystery: Why do people keep showing up at this couple’s home looking for lost phones? http://fusion.net/story/214995/find-my-phone-apps-lead-to-wrong-home/ 22 comments technology
Linking pages
- “Find my phone” apps mistakenly bring dozens of people to this house in Atlanta | Ars Technica http://arstechnica.com/tech-policy/2016/01/find-my-phone-apps-mistakenly-bring-dozens-of-people-to-this-house-in-atlanta/ 11 comments
- People keep going to this home looking for their lost phones — and nobody knows why - The Washington Post https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/the-switch/wp/2016/01/26/people-keep-going-to-this-home-looking-for-their-lost-phones-and-nobody-knows-why/ 1 comment
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