- Mets minor leaguer makes his fight for fair pay public http://ftw.usatoday.com/2017/01/minor-league-baseball-pay-fair-labor-standards-act-minimum-wage-lawsuit-kyle-johnson 28 comments baseball
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- The fairly straightforward reason minor league baseball players deserve more money | For The Win https://ftw.usatoday.com/2018/03/minor-league-baseball-congress-spending-bill-flsa-nonsense-minimum-wage-mlb 33 comments
- MLB spring training: Teams need catchers, but don’t want to pay them https://ftw.usatoday.com/2019/03/mlb-spring-training-no-pay-minor-leaguers 17 comments
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- Donald Trump's love affair with the 1% will cost Minor League players https://www.usatoday.com/story/opinion/2018/03/29/minor-league-baseball-donald-trump-budget/463394002/ 9 comments
- Baseball’s Economics Aren’t As Skewed As They Seem - The Ringer https://www.theringer.com/platform/amp/mlb/2018/2/21/17035624/mlb-revenue-sharing-owners-players-free-agency-rob-manfred 8 comments
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