- Sign up here if you believe any member of Congress who votes for a government run health care plan should be forced to participate in the plan themselves? http://fleming.house.gov/index.html 12 comments politics
Linking pages
- These Louisiana politicians are demanding flood aid, but voted against Sandy relief - Los Angeles Times http://www.latimes.com/business/hiltzik/la-fi-hiltzik-louisiana-floods-20160822-snap-story.html 3513 comments
- Congressman thought parody article on Planned Parenthood was real http://news.yahoo.com/blogs/sideshow/congressman-thought-parody-article-planned-parenthood-real-113439270.html 201 comments
- Ex-KKK leader and Trump-backer David Duke to run for Senate seat in Louisiana | Louisiana | The Guardian https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2016/jul/22/david-duke-kkk-senate-campaign-louisiana?cmp=twt_gu 16 comments
- Congressman Falls for The Onion's Planned Parenthood 'Abortionplex' Story - The Atlantic https://www.theatlantic.com/national/archive/2012/02/congressman-falls-months-old-onion-story-about-planned-parenthood-abortionplex/332189/ 6 comments
- GitHub - unitedstates/contact-congress: Sending electronic written messages to members of Congress by reverse engineering their contact forms. https://github.com/unitedstates/contact-congress 0 comments