- I made another brainfuck code! I just wanted to share cuz I spent a while on it(I'm beginner). https://esolangs.org/wiki/Brainfuck_algorithms#Divmod_algorithm 2 comments brainfuck
Linking pages
- GitHub - hunar1997/FasterBrainfuckProgramming: This project is to make brainfuck language programming easier, faster and more powerful .. everything is made out of functions making it very easy to port to other languages https://github.com/hunar1997/FasterBrainfuckProgramming 32 comments
- GitHub - elikaski/BF-it: A C-like language to Brainfuck compiler, written in Python https://github.com/elikaski/BF-it 23 comments
- Fat Dactyls https://esoteric.codes/blog/fat-dactyls 8 comments
- GitHub - GShreekar/Brainfuck-BinToDec: A simple (though not optimized for memory or time) Brainfuck code to convert a binary number to its decimal equivalent. https://github.com/GShreekar/Brainfuck-BinToDec 2 comments
- GitHub - adam-mcdaniel/basm: An assembler that compiles down to just 8 instructions🧠 https://github.com/adam-mcdaniel/basm 1 comment
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