- Heroes of Europe: Ignaz Semmelweis, father of Antiseptic Procedures, Saviour of Mothers and first to use Evidence-based Medicine, killed by those who were afraid of his findings https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ignaz_semmelweis 3 comments europe
- TIL- Doctor ignaz discovered that by washing his hands between delivering babys cut the mortality rate of infection from 35% to 1%. His ideas were rejected by the medical and doctors were so mad they put him in a insane asylum. He was beaten to death 14 days later. http://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/ignaz_semmelweis 5 comments history
- On this day 146 years ago, Dr. Ignaz Semmelweis died in an insane asylum. He was there for claiming that doctors washing hands between autopsies and births would save thousands of lives. They insisted that "a gentleman's hands are always clean" and didn't relent for 21 years. Hats off to this guy. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ignaz_semmelweis 746 comments reddit.com
- It severely troubled Semmelweis that his First Obstetrical Clinic had a much higher mortality rate than the Second Clinic http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ignaz_semmelweis#discovery_of_cadaverous_poisoning 4 comments science
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- Dr. Semmelweis vs. the World - by Ed William https://newsletter.osv.llc/p/dr-semmelweis-vs-the-world 0 comments
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