- Can you explain to me why the Dems are so scared of the filibuster? Even if it's invoked it has to end at some point, right? Also, what about the "Nuclear Option"? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Filibuster 12 comments politics
- If the Republicans want to Filibusterer Health Care Reform, then let them actually have to Filibusterer it to death. Then use the issue that they killed Health Care reform against them in order to get more than 60 real Democratic Senators. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Filibuster#United_States 37 comments politics
- I agree. I completely hate overlong Reddit titles. Seriously, if you can't say it in 50 words or less, is it really worth saying? The entire point of a link is to condense information down into a tight summary that leads into something longer -- if you put that something longer in the link, then there's no point in clicking it. I mean, why not just copy and paste the entire article into the headline if you're going to do that? There's a place for that, and it's called Metafilter http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/filibuster 4 comments reddit.com
Linking pages
- Opinion | Goodbye and good riddance to the filibuster - The Washington Post https://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/goodbye-and-good-riddance-to-the-filibuster/2021/03/17/b0ff4f16-8761-11eb-82bc-e58213caa38e_story.html 100 comments
- Conviction Voting: A Novel Continuous Decision Making Alternative to Governance | by Jeff Emmett | Giveth | Medium https://medium.com/giveth/conviction-voting-a-novel-continuous-decision-making-alternative-to-governance-aa746cfb9475 9 comments
- Article: Democrats Should Force the Republicans to Physically Filibuster | OpEd News http://www.opednews.com/articles/opedne_cenk_uyg_070207_democrats_should_for.htm 3 comments
- The Seven Magic Numbers – The Official Blog of BigML.com http://blog.bigml.com/2013/10/28/the-seven-magic-numbers/ 0 comments
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